My Values

Choosing someone to collaborate with and allow to work on a project that you’ve put your blood, sweat and tears into is an important decision. A collaborator is someone you’ll be working closely with, and it’s difficult to know off the bat if you’ll work well together or even get along.

I wanted to take a moment to express some of my personal values in the hopes that this will better inform potential collaborators of who I am and who it is exactly that they’ll be inviting to create music for their project…

I believe in treating everyone with kindness and respect right off the bat.

I value being open, transparent, and honest with others.

I believe in looking after the person to your left and the person to your right.

I value fitness, and keeping your body and mind sharp.

I believe that narrative film can change people’s lives for the better and that what we do is important (even if it’s just pure entertainment).

I value critical input and feedback from others, and being opened to the ideas and opinions of others in order to better yourself.

I also value good beer, jazz, and dogs :)

Photo by Heather Wise